Editors help writers grow into seasoned storytellers.

Developmental editing is about the shape of a story. It's often unexpectedly deep work, as the author's connection to the story has everything to do with both its structure and execution.

No matter if the events you're writing about are large-scale or small; features dragons, drones, or dryads, the pillars of any story are rooted in the human experience.

Because stories are about change.

And they're about you.

The "Heart" of Your Story

Your story speaks to you.

You're drawn to the concept and feel compelled to tell it. It means something, and there's something you're trying to say in writing it.


What are you trying to say?

The heart of your story—its identity—lies in the answers to these deceptively simple-looking questions. They're the contextual lens through which to examine every element of your draft, and the foundation for building a strong, cohesive narrative.

An author who understands what their story means can...

  • More deliberately draw on that connection to craft a stronger narrative.

  • Write with a renewed drive and motivation to finish, as story clarity eases frustration and overwhelm.

  • See editing as a means of achieving the vision for their story, rather than an intimidating process to dread.

  • Easily outstrip AI-generated content with a genuine, compellingly-crafted story.

Which is why I start off every single writer with the Deep Dive worksheet, because not only does it help the writer, but it aids my own understanding of that writer's vision in order to guide an effective edit.

FREE Introductory Package

Receive a free assessment of 5 sample pages, a 7-question Deep Dive worksheet, AND a no-obligation 30-minute call to gain a glimpse of not only the sort of feedback to expect, but the type of discussions we would have surrounding your story.

Service Policy

As the sole proprietor of Solar Edits, LLC, I ensure the following:

• Authors retain all rights to their work.
• Services will never be outsourced to third parties.

© Copyright 2024. Solar Edits, LLC. All rights reserved.